Thursday, August 28, 2008

Savannah's First Day of Kindergarten

Alright so here is the much anticipated first day of school pictures of Savannah. I will have you all be aware of the fact that Savannah 100% chose her outfit and the posing of her picture.
While trying to get a good school pictureOf her first day, Savannah decides that she needs to figure out what POSE she should have when she walks into class for her first time. The choices were as follows:
Pose #1 ?????
Pose#2 ??????
Ultimately when she met her Teacher Mrs. Robertson she used neither.


Lindsay said...

What???? She is so cool! Where are your boys pics? Their drama factor isn't nearly as entertaining as Savannah's!

Kory Jane said...

I would go with pose 1, pose 2 looks too much like a Tate pose. ;0 By the way I am slowly recovering from our walk today, I am still trying to recoupe.

Lisa said...

Cute and sassy! Wonder who she takes after?
