Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yes ... the Newby is Back !!!!

So for any friends that are still out there, I am finally making a new post. However, I do feel the need to defend myself in my lack of consistency in keeping current posts.

As some of you may not be aware my computer has died since my last post. Actually, it was on the fritz when I started my first couple entries, but I was hoping that it was an easily remedied fix. But for any of you that know me, nothing is ever really simple in my life, that's just not "how I roll". Basically the power supply went out and the hard drive was full to the maximum. (Thank you high quality digital prints!) So after learning what the problem actually was, there was the issue of getting the dang thing fixed. We bought the computer in Utah from a place that has incredible service warranties, but there's one problem. ITS IN UTAH!! So basically, I need to ship it there to get fixed. Not that big of a deal you say. Well I have been worried that when I send it out there they will tell me that my computer is a dinosaur and I need to just buy a new one. Since I don't have money for a new one I have been holding onto this broken computer like its an old pair of expensive size 6 jeans that I wore in High School in hopes that someday they will fit again. Only I am pretty sure that someday the computer is NOT going to lose the old power supply and get a new one along with extra space on my hard drive.
SO I will after 2+ months just have to break down, face my fears, and ship the darn thing to Utah.
By the way it never occurred to me until tonight that I could still blog with Tait's laptop and just not include pics. DUH!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Malachi 1st Day of School

On the first day of school I really wanted to get a cute happy picture of my little Snuggle Bunny. This is what I ended up with .

Not to be deterred I explained that I wanted a really good picture to capture how excited he was to finally be in the first grade. So he agreed to try again. Only this time when I said smile he got really ticked off. .........

So after he explained that the first picture was his COOL Face. "It's just not cool to smile in pictures mom." I attempted in vain to get one last picture with a smile just for me. Obviously this put him over the edge.

In the end when he came home from a very exciting first day, he asked if I would take one last picture the way he wanted it to look. So here it is folks. Drum Roll Please!

This is the cool, laid back, and shirtless look of my sweet Snuggle Bunny. I suppose everyone will just have to take my word for it that he really was VERY happy and excited about his first day of school in Mrs. Hamilton's class.

Enoch's Favorites

Combining the two great loves Cars and Fruit Loops!!! Enoch always surprises me how much he enjoys entertaining himself. One afternoon while I was working on homework with Israel, I put Enoch in his high chair with some snacks (vienna sausage) and a tractor to entertain himself. Ta da his favorite pastime was born. Stuffing food into his toys! Now the vienna sausage was not particularly fun getting OUT of the tractor. However I have since found that if I need to steal a few minutes to help with homework, sweep the floor, etc., I can simply put Enoch in his high chair with some dry cereal and any type of vehicle, he then begins the fun. I just hope the only things he likes to stuff food in is the toys at his high chair.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Savannah's First Day of Kindergarten

Alright so here is the much anticipated first day of school pictures of Savannah. I will have you all be aware of the fact that Savannah 100% chose her outfit and the posing of her picture.
While trying to get a good school pictureOf her first day, Savannah decides that she needs to figure out what POSE she should have when she walks into class for her first time. The choices were as follows:
Pose #1 ?????
Pose#2 ??????
Ultimately when she met her Teacher Mrs. Robertson she used neither.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Trying this Out

Alright so instead of putting away laundry, that has been ready to go on hangers in my room for about a week, or cleaning my house. I have been on the computer customizing my blog. The saddest part of the whole thing is the fact that I tried to put on some pictures but I couldn't find the files on my computer that Tait downloaded them to. Which is really frustrating since that's one of the main reasons I wanted a blog in the first place. On a brighter note I really love my background and music player. I suppose I'll just have to settle with the satisfaction of knowing that although there is no content on my blog at least it looks cute. That almost sounds like a mantra Savannah would come up with. Maybe she didn't fall THAT far from the tree.

Okay, Okay, I know what you are all thinking she's just like me only a teensy bit more dramatic. Actually, I was thinking about Savannah's questions regarding what pose she should walk into class with on her first day, (soon I will post a picture of the options) when I remembered things I did as a little girl. One of my favorite things to do outside in the summertime was running and dancing in my front yard while singing songs and acting out songs. One song I remember quite vividly singing my heart out to, complete with choreography, was the theme song to Fame. I also loved roller skating in my backyard on the patio while listening to Casey Casem's top 40's. Not only did I prented I was at my own roller rink, but I would pretend I was on of the dancers from Solid Gold perfoming to the songs. ON ROLLER SKATES!!! So the next time I wonder where on earth Savannah gets her sassy attitude just remind me of these sweet activities I once lived for.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Starting Out

So my first thought is that this screen looks dumb. I hope that I can actually make some cute pages to display my family to all my friends and extended family. But let's face it even if this turns out cute my real challenge will be to actually KEEP IT CURRENT.
